Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation . 采煤向来是一种危险职业。
The owners of the coal mines had formed an association to protect their interests . 煤矿主们早组织了一个同业公会以保护他们自己的利益。
Coal mines are ugly, and their development has a serious effect on animal and plant life . 煤矿龌龊,而煤矿的开发还会严重影响动植物的生长。
The government had introduced a new law that was certain to reduce the profits of the coal mines . 政府制订了一条新法律,无疑要减少煤矿的利润。
David attended the meetings of parliament regularly and made speeches on the miserable conditions in the coal mines and factories . 大卫按时参加议会的会议,并就煤矿和工人的糟糕的条件发表演说。
Plastic woven fabric protecting top - plane in coal mine 煤矿井下假顶用塑料编织布
The main shaft grouting technology in pengzhuang coal mine 彭庄矿井主井注浆技术
Identification method of coal mining damage technology 煤矿开采损害技术鉴定方法
Sewage treatment and practice in coal mine hospital 煤矿医院污水处理技术及实践